On the Padlet below: (9 points)

  • STOP! If you haven’t watched the overview about how to use Coggle and Padlet, go back a page to the mind map assignment and watch the video.

  • Share the link to your finished mind map.

  • Comment on at least two classmate’s mind maps. This should be on a separate sticky note. Please link your note to the original post by using the Padlet tools. How to link them? Once you have written your comment, click anywhere outside your comment on the Padlet. Now go back to your comment and over over it. A menu with three dots will appear in the upper righthand corner of your comment. Click on it and select “Connect to a post”, then simply click on the post you want to connect it to. I have given you an example of what it should look like on the Padlet below. Please note, you will be conecting to someone else, not to yourself.

To get credit for submitting, please be sure to put your name at the top of your Padlet posts.
Padlet Rubric found here.

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